How Can I Help? (Pledge to) Volunteer

With many people around the world still under strict orders to quarantine or stay-at-home, a pervasive feeling of helplessness has spread, even as many countries have managed to curb the spread of coronavirus. But there’s one way to gain a sense of control, to feed the gnawing sense of uncertainty eating away at our lives, to help yourself while also helping others: volunteer.

There are countless ways of helping others in your community or country during this pandemic. Some don’t even require money or the ability to leave your home: sew face masks, call someone quarantining by him/herself (isolation can be detrimental to both one’s physical and mental health), clean out your closet and prepare a pile for donation, foster a pet, or teach an English class to an ESL learner, just to name a few. 

If you’re healthy enough to go outside and are allowed to do so, contact your local food bank. Many are in need of volunteers. Or if you’ve financially stable, donate funds to a soup kitchen. Blood banks are also in need of volunteers. Call ahead to see if your local blood bank is accepting donations and how to donate safely. Nature can also provide solace during this pandemic. Extend your daily walk by picking up litter along the road or beach, if you’re able to do so while also following social distancing guidelines. 

The urge to help others has been one of the silver linings of the coronavirus, reminding people of humanity’s goodness. The pandemic will end, and when it does, be prepared to pay forward the kindnesses you received and to extend the attitude of generosity that’s been sparked within you by making a pledge to volunteer now.

Making a pledge to volunteer your time may seem insignificant, but by pledging to volunteer now, you’re asserting control over your life, which can counteract feelings of helplessness. It also provides an injection of hope into your mundane life, by looking forward to the day when coronavirus is under control, when we can come together in the community for the common good. 

There’s no surprise then that one of the most searched questions on Google during the coronavirus has been: How can I help?

Now that you have some ideas, post your pledge on social media using the hashtag #WPAVolunteerPledge. And if you’re interested in volunteering with World Peace Association when the coronavirus is under control, click here to share your contact information, and our team will be in touch!